Shareholders’ Rights
According to the Company’s Charter, the shareholders have a right to:
- obtain the receivable part of distributed profit (dividends) from the Company’s activities according to the procedure specified by the present Charter.
- receive information relating to the Company’s activities in a scope, terms, and as per procedures specified by the legislation.
- obtain a part of property or other assets of the Company to be distributed in case of liquidation of the Company proportionally to a number of shares they hold.
- participate in the Company’s management according to the Company’s Charter and the Russian Federation legislation.
- participate in the General Shareholder Meeting on all issues of their competence personally or through an authorised representative.
- offer proposals for review by the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors and other Company’s units according to the procedure specified by the Charter, other local acts of the Company, and the Russian Federation legislation.
- make an unremunerated contribution to the Company’s property in monetary or any other form to finance and support the Company’s activities at any time and on the ground of a contract with the Company complying with Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”, if the contribution does not increase the Company’s charter capital and does not change nominal value of shares.
- exercise other rights according to the Russian Federation legislation.