Corporate Secretary

Larisa Marusova
- Year of birth: 1977.
- Education: university degree.
- Primary employment: PJSC Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnica, Corporate Secretary.
No transactions on purchase (disposal) of the Company’s shares in the reporting period were made.
No interest in the Charter capital of the issuer.
No interest in ordinary shares.
In 2004, graduated from the Moscow State Social University with a degree in Law.
A practicing lawyer. Has great experience in corporate law in different companies.
Since 2014 has experience in corporate government affairs of joint-stock companies.
Sinсe August 2018 is a member of the All-Russian Public Organisation “National Association of Corporate Secretaries”.
A Corporate Secretary of PJSC Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnica is a special position, which has to ensure that the Company’s departments and officials comply with the Russian Federation legislation, the Charter and the internal documents guaranteeing execution of the shareholders’ rights and legal interests and to arrange the events aimed at avoidance and settlement of any corporate conflicts, arrange interaction between the Company and its shareholders, as well as between the Company’s governing bodies.
The Corporate Secretary shall prepare and conduct the General Shareholder Meetings, the activities of the Company’s Board of Directors and Committees, disclose information, provide interaction with regulatory authorities, trade institutors, Registrar, and other parties, participate in improving the corporate government system and practice of PJSC Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnica.
The Corporate Secretary is assigned and terminated by the Company’s CEO basing on the decision of the Board of Directors. The Corporate Secretary reports directly to the Board of Directors and acts according to the Regulations on Corporate Secretary of PJSC Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnica.