The projected exponential growth of EBITDA in the coming years
innovative solutions for oil refining and power generation industry
With its hard-hitting R&D Programme, the Company created a full line of advanced equipment, which is commercially successful in the Russian and foreign markets:
- petroleum treatment unit (see more details);
- desulfurisation unit (for petroleum products);
- octane number increase unit;
- facility for deep refining of fuel oil;
- the block of fuel oil preparation for power and hot-water boilers, furnaces for industrial purposes.
These units can generate monthly added value in the amount of RUB 80 to 150 mln (when processing about 10 thousand tonnes of oil or petroleum products).

Petroleum treatment unit
Using this unit to pre-refine oil increases the proportion of light oil products produced during oil refining from the initial level of 50% to 70–80%.
This solution significantly increases the business margin of a small refinery or an oil depot that are willing to acquire a secondary oil processing plant but are limited in investment capital.
- Production rate: 10 thousand tonnes of oil per month (in practice; i.e. 2/3 of the maximum equipment capacity)
- Service life: 20 years
- Current status: deliveries to customers have been started.
- The format for cooperation with operators — leasing the unit from Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnica.
For more information see here: link (slides 23 to 27).
The R&D Programme outputs: Innovations for the Oil and Gas Sector
Power Substation for Oil and Gas Fields
Vector-M packaged transformer substation for the conversion and distribution of power for consumers in oil and gas fields (for example, for mud pumps).
Rating: 2,500 kVA.
Primary voltage: 6 kV.
Secondary voltage: 0.69 kV.
Unique modification:
- Mobile-based
- Reinforced vandal-proof container,
- Arctic mechanical impact resistance; climatic version: KhL1,
- Accommodates an automated process control package, allowing to integrate the substation into the dispatching and process control system,
- II fire-resistance rating
- A powerful forced ventilation system that provides a predetermined operating temperature mode for all elements of the substation, including two frequency converters with an output of 1,100 kW.
Service life: 30 years.
Current status: deliveries to customers have been started.
More information can be found at Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnica website