Ex-members of the Board of Directors

Margarita Baskova
Member of the Board of Directors
(since January 12, 2016 till June 8, 2018)
Non-Executive Body
- Year of birth: 1975.
- Education: university degree.
- Primary employment: Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnica EC LLC, Chief Accountant.
No transactions on purchase (disposal) of the Company’s shares in the reporting period were made.
No interest in the Charter capital of the issuer.
No interest in ordinary shares.

Olga Manaenkova
Member of the Board of Directors
(since January 12, 2016 till June 8, 2018)
Non-Executive Body
- Year of birth: 1968.
- Education: university degree.
- Primary employment: Evropeyskaya Elektrotekhnica EC LLC, Lighting Facilities Sales Director.
No transactions on purchase (disposal) of the Company’s shares in the reporting period were made.
No interest in the Charter capital of the issuer.
No interest in ordinary shares.

Nikolay Babenko
Member of the Board of Directors
(since January 12, 2016 till February 19, 2018)
Non-Executive Body
- Year of birth: 1980.
- Education: university degree.
No transactions on purchase (disposal) of the Company’s shares in the reporting period were made.
No interest in the Charter capital of the issuer.
No interest in ordinary shares.
The scope of functions of the Company’s Board of Directors includes the following matters:
- determining priority directions of the Company’s operations;
- requesting Annual and extraordinary General Shareholder Meetings;
- approving an agenda for a General Shareholder Meeting;
- determining (fixing) a date for listing the persons having a right to participate in a General Shareholder Meeting and other functions belonging to the Board of Directors according to Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” and relating to preparing and holding a General Shareholder Meeting;
- placing bonds or other securities by the Company in cases stipulated by the legislation;
- determining a price (monetary value) of property, price of issue or a procedure to define it, price of securities acquisition in cases stipulated by Federal Law No. 208-FZ “On Joint-Stock Companies” dated December 26, 1995;
- increasing the Company’s charter capital by placing additional shares within the limits of number and categories (types) of authorised shares;
- purchasing shares, bonds and other securities placed by the Company in cases stipulated by Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” or other Federal Laws;
- forming a Sole Executive Body of the Company and defining the appropriate contract terms, as well as early terminating its power;
- establishing the Company’s Board of Directors Committees, approving the internal documents to specify their functions, procedures, and quantitative composition, selecting a Chairman and members, and terminating their powers;
- defining the principles and the approaches to the structure of risk management, internal control, and internal audit;
- deciding upon the remuneration to the auditor and making recommendations on the amount of remuneration and compensation to the members of the Company’s Audit Commission;
- approving the Company’s Dividend Policy, making recommendations on the amount of dividend on shares and the dividend payment procedure, as well as on specifying a dividend record date;
- using a reserve fund or other funds of the Company;
- approving the Company’s internal documents, except for the documents to be approved by a General Shareholder Meeting according to Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”, as well as other internal documents to be approved by the Company’s executive bodies according to the Charter;
- preliminary approving an Annual Report and submitting it for review at the Company’s General Shareholder Meeting;
- creating the branches and establishing the representative offices;
- consenting transactions or further approving transactions, as well as approving the conclusions on major transactions in cases specified by Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”;
- consenting transactions or further approving transactions specified by Chapter 11 of Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”, as well as approving the report on related-party transactions concluded by the Company in the reporting year;
- approving the Company’s Registrar and approving the Registrar’s contract terms, as well as contract termination;
- taking decisions on participation or terminated participation in other organisations (except for those specified in subpara 18, para 9.1 of the present Charter);
- stating listing of Company’s shares and (or) its convertible securities;
- adopting recommendations on voluntary or mandatory proposals received by the Company according to Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”;
- making major transactions having criteria specified in para 6.2 of the present Charter.
- reviewing issues on the Company’s corporate governance practice;
- approving the Company’s development strategy and reviewing the issues linked with the strategy implementation and updating;
- approving the Company’s the financial and economic plan (budget), reviewing the criteria and the indicators of the plan implementation;
- assessing the Company’s Risk Management and Internal Control System;
- reviewing the issues on implementation of policy on the remuneration and reimbursement of expenditures (compensations) for the members of the Board of Directors, executive bodies, and other key executives of the Company;
- approving the Company’s information policy, distributing responsibilities on the policy implementation, reviewing the issues lined with adherence to information policy;
- other matters stipulated by Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” or other Federal Laws and the present Charter.